Bible Builds Terms of Service
1. Automatic Renewal:
- Your subscription will automatically renew each year. You agree that your account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature unless you cancel your subscription.
2. Cancellation Policy:
- If you wish to cancel your subscription, you must do so at least 72 hours before the renewal date. Cancellations can be made through your account settings or by contacting our support team.
3. No Refunds:
- If you fail to contact customer support to cancel your subscription at least 72 hours before the renewal date, your subscription will renew for another year. You authorize us to collect the then-applicable annual subscription fee using any credit card or other payment mechanism we have on record for you. Refunds cannot be claimed for any partial-year subscription period.
4. User Submissions and Photo Policy:
- All photos submitted to the website will be of builds that you have personally created. By submitting a photo, you consent to its use as an example of Bible Builds or for public display on the website. It is considered a violation of these terms to use a pre-made official set as your final submission or to use an email not associated with your Bible Builds account to upload or to vote on builds.
7. Intellectual Property:
- Bible Builds is an independent site not authorized, sponsored, or endorsed by the LEGO® Group of companies, and LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group.”
8. Amendments to Terms of Service:
- We reserve the right to modify these terms. Members will be notified of significant changes in a timely manner.
9. Contact Information:
- For any queries or support related to these Terms of Service, please reach out to us at [email protected].